TECOM Investments established the Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone (DTMFZ), which consists of nine individual business parks. The free zone in Dubai has been divided into four areas by the DTMFZA
- The Media Cluster
- Education Cluster
- The ICT Cluster focuses on information and communication technologies.
- The Science Cluster
Inside the free zone, DTMFZA is the only authority that can impose rules. It also applies to other major free zones including Dubai Internet City, Knowledge Village, Dubai Outsource Zone, and Dubai Studio City thanks to the Technology and Media Free Zone Companies Regulations that were enacted in 2003.
Types of Permits at the Dubai Internet City
A company’s cluster status is taken into consideration when issuing a business license by DTMFZA. These permissions cover a wide range of endeavors, and hence are broken down into subcategories.
Free Zone license options
- publishing industry permits for limited liability companies in tax-free zones.
- TV and radio transmitting permissions
- food industry licenses.
- Storage licenses
- Manufacturing and productivity licenses.
- Providing licenses to institutions of higher education.

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